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- /*
- File: SmartScrollAPI.c
- Contains: Smart Scroll Application Programming Interface code
- Version: 1.4
- Copyright: © 1996, 1997 by Marc Moini, portions by Marc Menschenfreund,
- Alessandro Levi Montalcini, Marco Piovanelli and Mark Shirley (Thanks!)
- All rights reserved.
- Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, please email Marc@Kagi.com
- Version
- History: 1.4 24sep97 fixes by Marco Piovanelli
- 1.3 21feb97 Same as 1.2, except a couple of "ControlHandle" definitions changed to "ControlRef"
- */
- #ifndef __SMARTSCROLLAPI__
- #include "SmartScrollAPI.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __ERRORS__
- #include <Errors.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __GESTALT__
- #include <Gestalt.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __OSUTILS__
- #include <OSUtils.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __TRAPS__
- #include <Traps.h>
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #define kgestaltSmartScroll 'MMBS'
- enum
- {
- kSetSmartScrollInfo = 0L,
- kSetSmartScrollProp,
- kGetSmartScrollProp,
- kDisposeAllSmartScrolls
- };
- typedef pascal void (*SmartScrollProcPtr) (long selector,long *result,ControlRef theScrollBar,long param1,long param2);
- typedef struct {
- char privateStuff[16];
- SmartScrollProcPtr dispatchProc;
- long smartScrollSignature;
- } SmartScrollGestaltRec, *SmartScrollGestaltPtr;
- #define CallSmartScrollProc(userRoutine, selector, result, theControl, param1, param2) \
- CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSmartScrollProcInfo, (selector), (result), (theControl), (param1), (param2))
- #else
- #define CallSmartScrollProc(userRoutine, selector, result, theControl, param1, param2) \
- (*(userRoutine))((selector), (result), (theControl), (param1), (param2))
- #endif
- enum {
- uppSmartScrollProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
- | STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER (2, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(long *)))
- | STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER (3, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ControlRef)))
- };
- /****************************************************************************************/
- static OSErr __SmartScrollDispatch(long selector,long *result,ControlRef theControl,long param1,long param2)
- {
- OSErr ret = paramErr;
- SmartScrollGestaltPtr ssRec = nil;
- #if (!(SystemSevenOrLater | GENERATINGCFM))
- if (GetOSTrapAddress (_Gestalt) != GetToolTrapAddress (_Unimplemented))
- #endif
- if (Gestalt ( kgestaltSmartScroll, (long *)&ssRec)==noErr
- && ssRec && ssRec->smartScrollSignature==kgestaltSmartScroll)
- {
- CallSmartScrollProc(ssRec->dispatchProc,selector,result,theControl,param1,param2);
- ret = noErr;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /* Call this routine to set the Visible/Total proportion for a scrollbar. */
- /* amountVisible is a 32bit value representing the size of the portion of the document that is visible now. */
- /* amountTotal is a 32bit value representing the size of the whole document. */
- /* these two parameters must share the same unit (pixels, lines, characters, frames, etc). */
- pascal void SetSmartScrollInfo (ControlRef theScrollBar, long amountVisible , long amountTotal)
- {
- long dummy;
- (void)__SmartScrollDispatch(kSetSmartScrollInfo,&dummy,theScrollBar,amountVisible,amountTotal);
- }
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /* Call this routine to set the Visible/Total proportion for a scrollbar. */
- /* proportion is a Fract value (32bit) representing the Visible/Total ratio */
- /* This call has the exact same effect as SetSmartScrollInfo, you may use either one. */
- pascal void SetSmartScrollProp (ControlRef theScrollBar, Fract proportion)
- /*
- Comment
- */
- {
- long dummy;
- (void)__SmartScrollDispatch(kSetSmartScrollProp,&dummy,theScrollBar,(long)proportion,0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /* Call this routine to get the last proportion you stored for this scrollbar. */
- /* the value returned will be 0 if there is an error (Smart Scroll not installed, or no value stored) */
- pascal Fract GetSmartScrollProp (ControlRef theScrollBar)
- {
- Fract result = 0L;
- __SmartScrollDispatch(kGetSmartScrollProp,(long *)&result,theScrollBar,0,0);
- return result;
- }
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /* Call this routine before your code Quits, to help SmartScroll */
- /* free the memory it reserved for the scrollbars in your Application. */
- pascal void DisposeAllSmartScrolls (void)
- {
- long dummy;
- (void)__SmartScrollDispatch(kDisposeAllSmartScrolls,&dummy,NULL,0,0);
- }